Please, help me understand my position. I wait for your views.
I have posted my views on Taslima Nasreen in this blog on 8th July 2009 ' The Other side of Taslima' ( you can click the link below and check )
and I told Mr Ranjan Gupta, the present secretary ( of one and half month, from last 4th June 2009) about my recent post a few days later, he saw it and told to withdraw the post, I refused to comply with his order. He threatened me about the cancellation of my membership. I fear he may succeed in doing so.
Now , this afternoon (12:30 pm) I got a registered letter from Mr. Ranjan Gupta see the pictura below, he wanted me to explain why I didnot comply his word, When I started this blog he was not around, I promoted the organisation over a period of two or more, through my mails and this blog. should I answer him?
I started this blog on my own about two years ago, I took this job as a communication media among writers from Kolkata, West Bengal, India, I have another blog for PEN Over hundred articles I have posted in two PEN blogs.
I never claimed these blogs run by PEN West Bengal Chapter. Nor one reader would take things granted for West Bengal Chapter of PEN. Like a reporter I just started to keep people aware about the existence of Indian PEN center and its West Bengal chapter. and what I know as information about PEN I like to share it with other writers and interested persons.
My question is : had Mr. Ranjan Gupta discussed it in the executive committee before sending me this letter? and who are the executives members? who have not even met the least criteria of becoming an ordinary member of PEN, some members even donot know they are members, some member never come. From the time 1992, when Mr. Deb Kr. Basu took the rein of this organisation , Mr Ranjan Gupta was Jt. Secretary,after Mr. Basu his successor was Dr. Jagannath Ghosh, and this organization was like a personal office. According their whims they used to run it. They even did not know the aim and charter of International PEN. Many things they had done were against Freedom of Expression and charter of International PEN.
Mr. Ranjan Gupta had no idea when International PEN started and where, they used to say pen started in sweden in 1905! see the link
from 2007 I had started my mission to spread the word of International PEN and its charter and started blogging on Freedom of Expression, distributed printed papers. I was not a member then. and I became a member and promoted to an executive. Now this is my reward.
Should I leave this organisation? I cant think of, because it is my Love and labour. I need your view. Please write: albertashok at yahoo dot com

Posted by Albert Ashok
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