All-India PEN Center, West Bengal Chapter has published today its Inaugural issue
‘PEN West Bengal Review’ , a quarterly news bulletin at Mandeville Gardens, This issue was released by noted writer Sunil Gangopadhyay in presence of executive members.
A six pages quarterly coloured bulletin, size : 9 x 12 inches, on 90 GSM glossy art paper. Price Rs.50/ though the bulletin will be publishing in English but rooms are reserved for vernacular and provincial writers ( any Indian language). Apart from Local and International news, our focus will center on the history of Indian Pen and how more active involvement The Bengal chapter (West Bengal) had since 1934 in its inception. The late president of All-India PEN, Mr. Annada Shankar Roy and Lila Roy had published an autobiography which tells detail account . I hope International PEN has an earlier record and proof of its history which can support the truth about Indian PEN History. We have been shocked when Mr Ranjit hoskote behaves with West Bengal chapter strangely, and try to avoid the communication. He is a responsible person as he holds the seat of hon. Secretary and treasurer of All India PEN center. We are more shocked when he says he has no information and paper about West Bengal Chapter. We brought this news to International PEN, but the International PEN strangely keeping a silence, we have no response. How strange a world community and organization of writers act! Was it a dream of Mrs Dawson Scot and Mr. Galsworthy when they formed it? This world is watching how ill intention and disintegration is creeping into the age old writers organization. Thank you
Albert Ashok
Executive member , PEN All-India center, West Bengal Chapter
Editor : The PEN WestBengal Review
To read or print our journal click the pages below
1 by Albert Ashok
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