Wednesday 19 November - Friday 21 November
Venue: Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park, Berkshire, SL4 2HP
Online we are all free to say what we like, write a blog, post a video, start a website or join a social network. Or are we? Who decides what goes up and what comes down? Which files can be shared or images downloaded? What happens when states clamp down on internet use or demand search engines hand over our personal data? How do we keep our private lives private? How can we protect our children from unsuitable material and how can we protect our reputations online?
Confirmed speakers for this groundbreaking conference include: Ross Anderson, Cambridge University; Ian Brown, Oxford Internet Institute; Siobhain Butterworth, Guardian Readers' Editor; Sebastian Cody, media consultant; Jo Glanville, Editor of Index on Censorship; Jonathan Heawood, Director of English PEN; Isabel Hilton, Editor of; and Li Fen Zhang, Editor of the Financial Times China site; with more to follow.
In association with the 21st Century Trust.
Registration Fee
£390 Standard Rate
£220 Discount rate for members of English PEN
£75 Students
Registration includes all food and accommodation from 4pm on Wednesday 19 November until after lunch on Friday 21 November. For a registration form and full programme, please call Janis Reeves on 01784 497796 or email
ITSOSENG is a true story about a township in South Africa, still waiting for regeneration thirteen years after the advent of democracy. It is written and performed by the talented South African Omphile Molusi, who grew up in Itsoseng. The Soho Theatre is offering a special £10 ticket deal to all PEN members on performances up to 27 September. To book please call 020 7478 0100 and quote ‘£10 offer’.

Albert Ashok ( member, campaign executive) All India PEN center, (west Bengal) 165, R N Guha Road Kolkata –700028,India. Phone +9133 2560 0070
No Frontiers? Free Speech and the Internet
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